the historical m/s bhaganes/b is for sale. we are looking for a broker who has a special client who appreciates this distinctive old ship. fresh from a refit, she is ready for delivery worldwide. for more information contact the owner ...
Preaching for his installation was his brother-in-law Rev. Jim Kroonblawd (?82). He and Shelly (Haganes?86) have been married 19 years and have four children: Stephanie (16), Rebekah (13), John (12) & Joshua (10). (more?)
Hafshaganes lokar augum sínum og ri?ar í ?okunni, en ég sperri mín upp á gátt og stari á líkamann sem hefur stungi? fótum sínum í stígvélin mín, ?ví hann rekur klístra?a tungu sína til himins og sleikir í heilu lagi ?essa gljúpu borg ...